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Higher Lane Primary School

Happy, Challenged, Successful and Proud



Egerton Road, Whitefield, Manchester M45 7EX

Tel: 0161 766 2005


Admissions and Starting School

Open Days

Starting school for the first time is a very important step for both a child and the parent or carer.  We feel it is important that you get to know us and the school so we would love to welcome you to visit us before your child starts school. Therefore, we will be holding an Open Day: 

  • Thursday 2 November 2023 – 9.30am-10.15am, 10.45am-11.30am or 1.30pm-2.15pm
  • Thursday 11 January 2024 - 9.30am-10.15am or 10.45am-11.30am

All parents must book into one of the available time slots, please contact the school office to make an appointment, 0161 766 2005.


If you are unable to attend an Open Day, we have produced a Sway presentation which may help:  

Please see our prospectus for up to date information about our school. 

School Prospectus


Applying for a place

Click here to view the Primary School Admissions Booklet. 


Admissions for 2023 - 2024

If your child is due to start primary school OR transfer from primary to secondary school in September 2023 you can submit your application online using the applications portal.

Click here to take you to Bury Council Admissions website

School admission arrangements have been determined for September 2022 for Bury MBC community and voluntary controlled schools.

What is the admission criteria?

For community and voluntary controlled schools we allocate places in the following order:

  1. Children with a Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school;
  2. Children in the Care of a Local Authority;
  3. Children with a medical or psychological reason for attending that school;
  4. Children with elder siblings attending the school;
  5. Children with church affiliation, only applicable to Voluntary Controlled Church of England Schools;
  6. Proximity - nearness to the school. 

How do I apply for a place, when can I do it and when do I find out about my place?

For both primary and secondary school places you have to apply through your home Local Authority so if you live in Bury and want a school place within Bury or another Local Authority you must apply through us. If you live in another borough and want a school place at a Bury school you must apply through your home local authority. You will be able to apply online for a school place for both primary and secondary school places. Please see flyer below for information.


Please see our Statutory Policies page for further information regarding admission arrangements including our oversubscription criteria. 

The admission arrangements comply with the School Admissions Code and the School Admissions Appeal Code 


In the event that your child has been prescribed medication that needs to be administered 4 times a day school can administer one dose.  Please complete our request for school to administer medication parent consent form that is attached.  Alternatively you can obtain one from the school office.

These forms also need completing if you child is asthmatic.  You can provide school with an inhaler and spacer that will be kept in your child's classroom.

Medication consent form July 2018


If your child keeps their inhaler with them in school please can you complete the attached parent/carer consent to carry inhaler in school form.  

Inhaler consent form